Buy OnGuard Bulldog STD 5010 Bicycle U-Lock at Discount Price
You can buy OnGuard Bulldog STD 5010 Bicycle U-Lock today at the best price with the best quality. Look at our special deals today on our store. Get more benefit with spend less money when you buy OnGuard Bulldog STD 5010 Bicycle U-Lock. Also read our OnGuard Bulldog STD 5010 Bicycle U-Lock reviews before you decide to buy OnGuard Bulldog STD 5010 Bicycle U-Lock. Anything you have to know about this item, More about this
OnGuard Bulldog STD 5010 Bicycle U-Lock Reviews
Many customers was gave reviews and ratings to OnGuard Bulldog STD 5010 Bicycle U-Lock. If you want to read those detail to make your decision on this product just CLICK HERE
OnGuard Bulldog STD 5010 Bicycle U-Lock Overview:
- X2 Power Double Bolt Locking Mechanism locks shackle on both sides
- M-Cylinder resists all attacks from picking, pulling or drilling
- Popular 115mm x 230mm (4.53? x 9.06?) shackle length
- Hefty 13mm (0.51?) hardened steel shackle resists cutting, prying and jacking
- Rounded design and centered keyway eliminates pry points. 5 Laser Cut Keys, 1 with a LED micro-light.
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OnGuard Bulldog STD 5010 Bicycle U-Lock Reviews
32 of 32 people found the following review helpful ![]() By This review is from: OnGuard Bulldog STD 5010 Bicycle U-Lock (Sports) This lock is pretty robust and has a solid locking mechanism. It's definitely a step above the previous Kryptolok STD which sells for the same price. (UPDATE NOTE: Kryponite has since updated the Kryptolok with the release of "Series 2". My comments reflect the original Krypolock only.)Onguard comes with a bunch of keys (at least 4 spares + 1 LED key) and has a good locking system. (The Onguard is a double-lock where both ends of the U are secured by bolts) In addition, the lock cylinder of the Onguard lock is technically superior to the old Kryptolock's - not only is it deeper but each of the discs that comprise the locking mechanism can independently rotate, which makes the lock very drill resistant). Finally, the Onguard crossbar seems better protected than the kryptonite's - there's a bulky and relatively thick plastic housing that surrounds it. The Onguard Bulldog comes with a rather limited but free 1-year protection plan in case your bike is stolen while... Read more 30 of 30 people found the following review helpful ![]() By This review is from: OnGuard Bulldog STD 5010 Bicycle U-Lock (Sports) I got this lock because of the price and recommendation in online forums [...]. On first impression, it was a bit heavier than my old kryptonite (circa 1997), though presumably more secure. The mounting hardware is certainly more robust (my kryptonite occasionally 'jumped' out on bumpy roads).It has now been three months using the lock in Wash. DC, and yesterday, I could have said I was perfectly happy with it. However, today, it wouldn't unlock. The key turned and everything, but the mechanism would not release the lock! After awkwardly struggling with the locked bike in front of Starbuck's outdoor seating for around 15min. I gave up. Later I came upon some advice at Onguard's website: [...] Basically, one needs to 'tap' the lock while turning the key to jar the mechanism to release. After 10 minutes of tapping with a hammer, I started 'hitting', and eventually that did the trick. In some experimentation, it appears that turning the key... Read more 6 of 6 people found the following review helpful ![]() By This review is from: OnGuard Bulldog STD 5010 Bicycle U-Lock (Sports) I've had this lock for a day now and the lock was jammed already. I locked this bike to a sign post and I couldn't unlock it afterwards. It took me well over 40 minutes to no avail so I went online to see how to get this thing opened. The other post that told said to "tap" on the key barrel is true, however, it's more like you have to hit it REALLY hard. If this ever happens to you, don't try to pull the lock because that won't work.Other than that, this lock is super strong. I almost had to cut off the sign post to get my bike back!! |
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